Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
This is very convenience for visitors.They can chat with you through Yahoo Messenger.To display yahoo messenger status you will need to add this code into your page element.
<a href="ymsgr:sendIM?Your YAHOO messenger id goes here">
<img border=0 src=" YAHOO messenger id goes here&m=g&t=1" /> </a>
There are total 9 varieties of design you can apply.To apply change the code "t=1" to any code between "t=1 and t=9"

Related tutorials:
Changing Favicon
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Saturday, May 17, 2008
For internet users who are still using 56K Modem will leave your page because of slow loading.So do not use heavy graphics and large size pictures.You can optimize your picture at DynamicDrive or
Adobe Photoshop "save for web" function.
2.Avoid Flash
Do not use a lot of flash in your web because of its large sizes.
3.Minimize meta content
Remove all unnecessary meta content.As you know meta content is important for SEO but not all meta content is important.Maximum meta content you can put is around 250 characters.It also helps you to avoid stuffing.For SEO tips you can visit SEObook
4.Join all image into a single picture
If you have multiple of image in a post.Join all the image into a picture.It reduce HTTP requests and increase web loading time.
5.Remove Duplicate Scripts
Delete all duplicate scripts in your HTML.If you have 3 duplicate scripts if will generate 3 HTTP requests and it will slow down your site.
The 4 seconds rules!
Remember your blog must not take more than 4 seconds to load or else your visitors will leave your blog! Check your website loading speed here: Website Speed Test
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Many bloggers are curious from second to second how often their blog being viewed,where is their visitors from,how long they stay on their blog and so on.
There are many ways to track your visitors.One of them is by adding hit counter to your blog but it only show you how many times your page is viewed,Come back visitors, Visit length, Visitors path and Recent Keyword activities.Here is the website:Statcounter.Another way is registering Google Analytics.It have a lot of features like Keyword and campaign comparison, Benchmarking, Funnel visualization, Site Overlay and Geo Targeting.
Place your hit counter.
After you register.They will provide you a code.You can add anyway you want in your blog.To place the hit counter at the bottom of your page.You have to go to edit HTML. And add the code just before </body>.
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Recent Post is to keep your visitors on track so that they won't miss your post.To add this widget go to your page elements.Click on "add page element".Then find for FEED and click add to blog.Simple as that! If your have a feed URL for your blog,insert it in the space provided.
For now,i assume you don't have a feed URL.Go to and register.They will provide you a feed URL for your blog.
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Sunday, May 11, 2008
Favicon is a 16x16 pixel icon beside your address in the address bar.
Before you are to change your favicon.You have to create your own favicon.
Go to Favicon Generator.You can generate your favicon there.
After you have your 16x16 Favicon.Go to to upload your favicon. Then go to edit HTML and find this code
Below this code add this code:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="your favicon url"/>
Save templates and your are done!
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Saturday, May 10, 2008
Have you ever thought of changing your RSS Button can increase your subscribers? Well you don't know unless you try.
40 Vector Translucent RSS icon
Round RSS Button
Guitar RSS Button
To change your RSS Button,you can refer to this page:Feedicons
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